Our Camberwell home.

For the past 4 months, my two best friends – Sinead and Zoe – and I have lived in a little brick cottage on the outskirts of Camberwell – a quaint inner-city suburb of Melbourne. We love our quirky little home, even if it is extremely overpriced, freezing in winter, quite old and constantly experiencing plumbing issues. The three of us have already made memories we'll remember for years to come: the parties, feasts, huddles in front of our only heater, electric blankets, crafting sessions, overflowing shower and our daily ritual of avoiding the brick pillars at the end of our windy driveway. These are a handful of pictures I took the other day, what better place to show them off than here!






This has been the return of almost a year and a half blog hiatus, who knows how long it'll be until my next post. For now, it feels good to be on Uni break and it feels even better to be back here.
Love, Renée.
A Quick Queensland Trip.
It's that time of year again - time to migrate North with my sister to be closer to the sun and live out that classic Australian Summer dream. One filled with sunburnt beach trips, pool dips, floppy hats and interesting tan line collections (with the newest addition being my Saltwater Sandal tan).

I also wanted to mention that 2018 will be the year of my return to the blogging world. To further instil this commitment, we officially have a ".com" domain, hooray! The year of 2018 marks our 5th blog-iversary, so it seemed fitting (and about time) that I got my butt into gear and sorted out a proper domain name. RA is officially all grown up, aw!
A Matter of Age.
Last week I completely devoured Lily Collins' autobiography, 'Unfiltered' on the two hour flight from Melbourne to Brisbane. In fact, I very nearly finished the whole thing on the plane - it was that captivating. Lily brings up a number of topics that anyone can relate to and empathise with - all of which are extremely relevant to young adults in this point of time. She discusses a spectrum of challenges we face as youth - from toxic relationships to discovering a sense of self acceptance - the talking point that's really stuck with me though, is that of age.

A Visual Journal.
It's Tuesday the 2nd of January 2018, funnily enough - exactly a year since I wrote my '2016 In Photos' post. Another year gone, in the blink of an eye. How does this happen, I wonder - but of course what they say is true - time flies when you're having fun. And if 2017 was only given one word to describe itself, it would definitely be 'fun'.
But upon closer inspection, last year was my biggest leap by far. In retrospect, I've experienced so much more than I could've imagined in my wildest dreams. I got into my dream University course, moved out, forged new lifelong friendships, went on plenty of day adventures, experienced so much live music magic, celebrated milestone birthdays with family, got my boogie on at 2 music festivals, travelled to central NSW and made a thousand and one mistakes in between (all part of the character building process, some say), with my absence in the blogging world being one of them.
2018 is bound to be another one of those "jam-packed-full-of-good-stuff"  years, and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us in the next 12 months.

the favorite

Our Little Home-ee Adventure. Hello, hello! I've just recently arrived back home from a trip to Hay, N.S.W and have a little somet...
