Aug 3, 2014

♥ August's Checklist ♥

To say that I adore August is most likely an understatement. So many great things always happen in the eighth month ever since I can remember for some unknown reason..(it's probably just my mind set, haha.).This month will yet again, be one of the goodies of the year.
Here's a handful of things I plan on achieving by the 31st of the eighth month this year :)

The list.
▽Buy a bunch of fresh daisy's from the local florist down the road
▽Have one internet free day per week for the month
Spring clean the unruly closet in winter
▽Purchase an actual hardcopy of Angus & Julia Stone's new album
▽Discover a new Café
▽Be more fierce with the eyeliner, bolder wing and all.
▽Take more spontaneous 'in-the-moment' photographs.
▽Find a new staple nail shade.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress in one form or another, whether it be through Twitter, Instagram or my blog :)
How many things do you have on your August to-do list?

