Jan 4, 2017

2016 In Photos.

A Reflection.
It's Monday the 2nd of January 2017 and i'm feeling satisfied. I'm feeling nostalgic. I'm feeling good about the future.
Satisfied with the last 12 months and every little moment in between. 2016 was a tumultuous year of growth and steep learning curves directing me toward the opulent golden doors of adulthood. By golly, it was a tough one - but unmistakably a good one.
Nostalgia is entering my mind for the inexplainable moments that fulfilled the last 365 days of my life. I have become a different person because of these.
And positive for what the future holds, but not in any rush to get there. As the days blur into one all too quickly anyway, and I want to experience & bask in each day for as long as possible. I wouldn't dare wish for it to fly past any faster.

I think that because of the incredible past year that I have experienced in my own way, it's difficult to hear of the atrocious things many have suffered through throughout the past year.

However there is almost always some sort of character building life lesson to be had, simply by learning how to dust yourself off, get back onto your feet again and giving life another wholehearted crack.

So here's to a year of lessons.
A year of unexplainable highs, and lows to challenge them.
A year of personal growth.
Another year alive on this beautiful planet.

